Mulsanne Advisors

Services specializations

Mulsanne Advisors’ experienced consulting resources and our network of specialized services partners have a deep track record with designing and implementing sustainable transformations.

We help to create and support the speed, adaptability and durability needed to continue to win. Our specializations include:

  • Business Strategy Development and Implementation Planning
  • Change and Transformation Management
  • Collaboration, Productivity, and Technology Exploitation
  • Facilitation and Workshop Management – featuring Mulsanne Academy
  • Strategic Information Management – including Executive Dashboards
  • Strategic Marketing and Market Management
  • Supply Chain Strategy and Optimization

Consulting principles

In motorsports, one of the core principles—one that must continually be reinforced—is that “the car goes where the eyes are looking.”

Mulsanne Advisors’ services tie back to that very simple yet very powerful principle because successful execution and sustainable advantage require unrelenting focus.

Mulsanne’s focus-driven approach to advisory services are based on three core principles:

  • Agility: Balanced but nimble portfolio management. A portfolio approach to managing everything from the innovation pipeline to the sales management process allows strategic execution in the face of changing conditions
  • Alignment: Shop floor to the top floor. Successfully defining and executing strategy, regardless of scale, requires clarity of vision, broad engagement and effective communication
  • Awareness: Innovation can come from anywhere. We help our clients to tap into a deep well of internal insight and external information to expose problem solutions and to seize unmet market opportunities